2014-04-07 04:17:50 UTC
This is a bit strange.
In 0.54_01 top level Makefile.PL, I've replaced the old code that handled
the conditional loading of {Test::Warn=>$twv} into PREREQ_PM, with a cleaner
rendition. (See attached patch.)
In a nutshell, this new rendition is:
my $twv = $] > 5.013 ? 0.23 : 0.21;
my $prereq_pm = {
Data::Dumper => 2.09,
Digest::MD5 => 2.09,
Parse::RecDescent => 1.80,
File::Spec => 0.8,
Test::Warn => $twv,
delete $prereq_pm->{'Test::Warn'} if $] <= 5.007;
But now, for the first time, I'm seeing test failures on 5.16.3 because
Test::Warn is not getting loaded. Furthermore, these failing reports specify
*no* prerequisites:
Prerequisite modules loaded:
No requirements found
That's rubbish - Parse::RecDescent is *always* a pre-requisite.
I surmise that it must be this revised code that is causing this error to
arise .... though I'm buggered if I can see how that could be.
To date this has happened in only 2 cases - both 5.16.3, from different
testers, different systems:
I don't have 5.16.3 installed. Any insights into what's going awry ?
Otherwise I'll just revert it to the old code (whose only problems were its
long-windedness and lack of sophistication).
Of those 2 failing reports, the first comes from Christian Walde.
He also tested 0.54 a few days ago with what looks to me to be the very same
smoker. There were no problems then as regards getting the prereqs set
Prerequisite modules loaded:
Module Need Have
------------------- ---- --------
Data::Dumper 2.09 2.139
Digest::MD5 2.09 2.52
File::Spec 0.8 3.40
Parse::RecDescent 1.8 1.967009
Test::Warn 0.23 0.30
Module Need Have
------------------- ---- --------
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 6.63_02
That report (which contains a different failure) can be found in full at:
This is a bit strange.
In 0.54_01 top level Makefile.PL, I've replaced the old code that handled
the conditional loading of {Test::Warn=>$twv} into PREREQ_PM, with a cleaner
rendition. (See attached patch.)
In a nutshell, this new rendition is:
my $twv = $] > 5.013 ? 0.23 : 0.21;
my $prereq_pm = {
Data::Dumper => 2.09,
Digest::MD5 => 2.09,
Parse::RecDescent => 1.80,
File::Spec => 0.8,
Test::Warn => $twv,
delete $prereq_pm->{'Test::Warn'} if $] <= 5.007;
But now, for the first time, I'm seeing test failures on 5.16.3 because
Test::Warn is not getting loaded. Furthermore, these failing reports specify
*no* prerequisites:
Prerequisite modules loaded:
No requirements found
That's rubbish - Parse::RecDescent is *always* a pre-requisite.
I surmise that it must be this revised code that is causing this error to
arise .... though I'm buggered if I can see how that could be.
To date this has happened in only 2 cases - both 5.16.3, from different
testers, different systems:
I don't have 5.16.3 installed. Any insights into what's going awry ?
Otherwise I'll just revert it to the old code (whose only problems were its
long-windedness and lack of sophistication).
Of those 2 failing reports, the first comes from Christian Walde.
He also tested 0.54 a few days ago with what looks to me to be the very same
smoker. There were no problems then as regards getting the prereqs set
Prerequisite modules loaded:
Module Need Have
------------------- ---- --------
Data::Dumper 2.09 2.139
Digest::MD5 2.09 2.52
File::Spec 0.8 3.40
Parse::RecDescent 1.8 1.967009
Test::Warn 0.23 0.30
Module Need Have
------------------- ---- --------
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 6.63_02
That report (which contains a different failure) can be found in full at: