Sorting out one class of smoke test failure for Inline::CPP
David Oswald
2012-03-27 17:47:15 UTC
There is one type of smoke-test error I'm seeing. I'll point out
examples from 0.38_002 since it uses the Makefile.PL logic that we've
been working on for so long. As mentioned before, 0.38_003 is more of
a "what-if", and is helping me to identify possible fixes in other

Ok, here are a few smoke test reports that exemplify the issue:


These each have an error that states something like this:

undefined symbol: _ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev at /home/src/perl/repoperls/.......

I've googled a few links on the topic:


One place I read mentioned that the fix was to specify that the linker
include libstdc++. So that brings me to Inline::CPP version 0.38_003.
Here's another fail:


Same failure point. All new Makefile.PL (using ExtUtils::CppGuess).
The reason I point to this report is because you'll find in all of the
0.38_003 reports diagnostic information from test 08cppguess.t that
tells us which compiler and libraries are being selected in
Makefile.PL. It can be seen that we are indeed linking with

I'm wondering if the sort of logic we're applying to 'darwin' should
be expanded to the more general linux cases:

if ($Config{osname} eq 'darwin'){
my $stdlib_query =
'find /usr/lib/gcc -name "libstdc++*" | grep $( uname -p )';
my $stdcpp =
`$stdlib_query`; + $stdcpp =~ s/^(.*)\/[^\/]+$/$1/;
$cc_guess = 'g++';
$libs_guess = "-L$stdcpp -lstdc++";

But as usual, I'm looking for suggestions that will target this
specific failure.

David Oswald
2012-03-28 03:18:30 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Oswald"
Post by David Oswald
One place I read mentioned that the fix was to specify that the linker
include libstdc++. So that brings me to Inline::CPP version 0.38_003.
Same failure point. All new Makefile.PL (using ExtUtils::CppGuess).
The reason I point to this report is because you'll find in all of the
0.38_003 reports diagnostic information from test 08cppguess.t that
tells us which compiler and libraries are being selected in
Makefile.PL. It can be seen that we are indeed linking with
Yes, but does libstdc++ get found ? If not, EU::MM will silently remove the
link (unless a noisy build is requested - in which case you'll see a warning
that the library could not be found).

I::CPP always includes the -lstdc++ link for me on Windows/MinGW - but the
library doesn't get found. This doesn't matter (since it's apparently not
Whenever I build "noisy" I see:

Starting Build Compile Stage
Starting "perl Makefile.PL" Stage
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lstdc++
Writing Makefile for try_pl_2608
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Finished "perl Makefile.PL" Stage

But if I have a successful build without "noisy" turned on, I see nothing
that indicates that libstdc++ was not found.

(Note that if EU::MM fails to find a library, it also automatically removes
the link to that library, thereby preventing the build from failing. This is
a great convenience when you know that you have to link to either libone or
libtwo, but don't which of the 2 libs will be found on the users machine.
You just do '-lone -ltwo' and EU::MM takes care of the rest.)

