----- Original Message -----
From: "Xiao Yafeng" <xyf.xiao-***@public.gmane.org>
To: "inline" <inline-***@public.gmane.org>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: build inline program with pp
Post by Xiao Yafengwell, I decide to translate it into a XS module via C2XS, then "recompile"
to a exe by pp to work around.
That's the way I would do it, too.
There's actually a bug report about the PAR & Inline problem at
and a simple patch:
--- Inline.pm 1 Feb 2006 11:12:52 -0000 1.1
+++ Inline.pm 1 Feb 2006 15:10:56 -0000
@@ -453,10 +453,12 @@
$o->{API}{modpname} = File::Spec->catdir(@modparts);
my $suffix = $Config{dlext};
+ unless ($ENV{PAR_INITIALIZED}) {
my $obj = File::Spec->catfile($realpath,'auto',$o->{API}{modpname},
croak M30_error_no_obj($o->{CONFIG}{NAME}, $o->{API}{pkg},
$realpath) unless -f $obj;
+ }
@{$o->{CONFIG}}{qw( PRINT_INFO
I don't know exactly what problem that solves, but I can't see how it would
solve the issues with 'pp'. (Though I don't think I've actually tested it.)
I did once fiddle about with pp and Inline, and got it to work. I now forget
the details.
You would probably want to use the 'NAME' config option in the Inline
script - that way you know in advance the name of the _Inline/lib/auto
folder that contains the binaries, and the names of the files inside that
Then I think it's a matter of getting pp to pack in those files, in such a
way that the Inline script can locate them.
Post by Xiao Yafenganyways, thanks!
BTW: just a thought, can we make c2xs program(not a function) like cpanm
c2xs --package-name XYZ --module-name XYZ --par-file parfile --source-file
it would be more handy.
Should be able to do that - though I don't understand what the '--par-file'
arg is supposed to do.
I'd probably have it such that you'd do:
c2xs --p=XYZ --m=XYZ --bd=./build
If not supplied, the --bd arg (which specifies the build directory - where
the created files will be written to) would default to '.', and the --p arg
would default to whatever --m is. The --m arg would be compulsory.
Any additional args would just be the same as the args supplied to the hash
reference that c2xs() takes as its last argument.
c2xs --m=XYZ --write_makefile_pl=1 --inc=-I/here -I/there --write_pm=1
would equate to:
c2xs('XYZ', 'XYZ', '.', {WRITE_MAKEFILE_PL=>1, INC=>'-I/here -I/there',
Would that be ok ? If not, let me know - I don't have any definite rules
about this. (Error checking would be built in, of course.)
The fact that some of the allowable options can contain whitespace (such as
INC in the above example) adds to the challenge - but I can handle that
without too much trouble, I think.