JSON Inline::C
stephen munyiri
2012-04-16 00:54:25 UTC

Can I call a C function that takes in JSON from perl and have it return
data in JSON format. The C function should be able to handle JSON.

David Mertens
2012-04-17 15:11:37 UTC
Post by stephen munyiri
Can I call a C function that takes in JSON from perl and have it return
data in JSON format. The C function should be able to handle JSON.
What exactly are you asking? Does the C function take a JSON string or a
JSON Perl object as input? Which Perl JSON library do you intend to
interface to your C library? Should the output be a JSON string? Is the
statement "The C function should be able to handle JSON" a requirement of a
C function yet to be written, or a reassurance of a C function you intend
to wrap? Can you give some example code to demo what you want to have

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